Attorneys & Mediators
Legal Resources Here is a list of highly recommended attorneys and mediators who specialize in helping parents create a Child-Centered Divorce. I have spoken with each of them and know they share and promote the sentiments conveyed in my book, How Do I Tell the Kids about the Divorce? I would appreciate your feedback regarding your experience with any of these professionals. Mark Baer, Esq. Mediator, Attorney, Collaborative Divorce [email protected] (626) 389-8929 Passadena, CA Lori Barkus, PA Family Law & Mediation [email protected] (954) 349-7988 Ft. Lauderdale, FL Lauren Behrman, PhD Divorce Coaching, Collaborative Divorce Child Specialist, Collaborative Divorce Neutral Parenting Coordination, Mediation, Co-parent Counseling [email protected] [email protected] / (212) 799-7921 New York, NY Gillian Bishop Solicitor, Collaborative Lawyer & Mediator /// London, England +44 20 7420 5004 [email protected] Gillian A. Brady Attorney Mediator Finding Common Ground (530) 756-2536 Davis, CA Allyson N. Brupbacher, Esq Board Certified Family Law