Child-Centered Divorce Network
Expert Interview Series for Parents
Join Rosalind Sedacca as she interviews some of the most compassionate and knowledgeable divorce and co-parenting experts on the planet.
LIZ BECKER: Divorce Coach & NLP Expert
In this very powerful program Rosalind Sedacca and Master Neuro-Linguistic Programming Life Coach Liz Becker discuss How To Create a Positive Outcome for You & Your Children After Divorce. Learn valuable strategies you can use to overcome fear, anxiety, anger and resentment during and after your divorce. You have the power to turn your divorce into a better future for yourself and your children if you learn how to communicate more effectively, release what you can’t control and focus on these life-affirming tools.
PHILLIPPA LEVITT: Spiritual Divorce Coach
Philippa Levitt, a Debbie Ford Spiritual Divorce practitioner in South Africia, discusses the Key to Creating a Better Future for Yourself & Your Children! She shares the principles that will empower you to create a happier, more fulfilling life after divorce. This is powerful, transformative work that will heal and revitalize your life. Plus it will give you valuable tools to use with your children as they grow!
DR. PETER HILL: Father’s Rights Advocate
Father’s Rights advocate Dr. Peter Hill discusses the effects of divorce on children, co-parenting benefits, the emotional legacy of parental alienation on both the parent and child as well as the value of forgiveness as a personal and parenting tool.
ROSALIND SEDACCA, CDC: Divorce & Co-Parenting Coach
Leila Reyes, Spiritual Divorce Coach, interviews Rosalind Sedacca about all facets of parenting during and after divorce, understanding your children’s emotional needs, how to cope with challenging situations and tips for starting over to find a healthy new relationship in your life.
Creating a win/win Child-Centered Divorce
Michael Mastracci
Cynthia Tiano
Cindy Harari
Rosalind Sedacca
Are there alternatives to battling through divorce? Join former “killer” divorce attorney turned mediator, Cynthia Tiano, along with Collaborative attorney Michael Mastracci, Mediator and Parenting Coordinator Cindy Harari and founder of the Child-Centered Divorce Network, Rosalind Sedacca – all authors of dynamic books on creating a “peaceful” divorce model for the sake of the kids – as they share their perspectives on working with or around the divorce legal system to create the best outcome for your family during and after divorce.
Healthy Transitioning Beyond Divorce
Laura Campbell
Amy Botwinick
Belinda Rachman
What are the consequences of divorce done wrong? How do your divorce decisions affect the well-being of your children in the months and years ahead? Peaceful Divorce Mediator Belinda Rachman joins Divorce & Life Transition Coach Laura Campbell and author Amy Botwinick as they discuss strategies for moving through and then beyond divorce with dignity, self-esteem and a positive perspective for your future and your children’s.
Keys to Making Sound Divorce Decisions
Lisa Decker
Christina Rowe
Michelle Muncy
Divorce can be very costly — both physically and emotionally. Join author and divorced mother of four Christina Rowe, founder of ChildSharing, Michelle Muncy and Divorce Financial Analyst Lisa Decker as they share insights about pro-actively planning your divorce to avoid the pitfalls of financial and psychological devastation — for you and your children. Learn the success strategies for creating a win-win divorce before signing on the dotted line – and for the months and years that follow.
Want help with YOUR divorce or co-parenting challenges?
Check out Rosalind Sedacca’s Personal Coaching, ebooks and programs designed to support and protect you and the children you love!