Appreciation for 

Child-Centered Divorce Blog, Newsletter & Articles 


Wow; what a powerful piece of writing! (Divorce Doesn’t Scar Children – Selfish Parents Do!) I want to send this to my neighbor and another friend who is experiencing the kind of discord you describe here.  When I talk to them, I repeat your advice, “take the high road” — take it for the sake of the children.

Sally M, St. Louis, MO


I truly love and applaud your crucial work in the world.  You are so needed and a true pioneer. Wishing all the best, as you so deserve,

Marni H, Naples, FL


All the resources on your website, podcasts, and audio links have already been tremendously helpful to me. I just don’t know how I could have ever made it this far without them.
Brian K, Dallas, TX


Thank you for the latest article.  It is a great resource and timely for me.  I am struggling with forgiveness and the effect that has had on so many people.  But as you pointed out this needs to be done in love so we all can look at this as a stepping stone.  I need to self-reflect on what I did to contribute to this tragedy also.

Carol P, Birmingham, AL


Your blog is so helpful for anyone going through a divorce. The fear of the unknown can be crippling and can keep us from living our best lives. You share a good exercise for managing the fear that we all have. There is a great expression: “Courage is not the absence of fear but the mastery of it.” It’s empowering to master our fears.  And, it’s so important to stop being our own worst enemy and have faith things will get better.

 Joan F, Ft. Lauderdale, FL


Thanks for your support over the last couple of years. These emails have helped me to navigate my divorce with the children’s best interest in mind.

Louis G, Madison, WS


I find your articles very useful for my clients and often print them out to distribute to them. And yes, I frequently send my clients to your web-site–it’s a standard referral for me! Thank you.

Honey A. Sheff, Ph.D., P.C.
Dallas, TX


ANOTHER great article…wise words of wisdom. It made me realize I need to try harder (pretty tough with the response or lack of I usually receive from my former spouse) but I LOVE MY KIDS MORE THAN I’M angry with him or than I dislike his gf)… and ULTIMATELY I’m the one who teaches and explains to my children. So I better practice a little more. THANKS….you provide a lot of reminders and great insight.

Brenda Perry, Pittsburgh, PA


I’ve really been enjoying your newsletters and find them to be a great weekly reminder to keep my priorities straight.  Bravo!

Alex, S, NYC, NY


I’m so grateful to have discovered your website!  I’m looking forward to reading your weekly ezine. I’ve read in some divorce books that you give your children no mercy to have both parents spend time with them on big occasions. I totally disagree with this and from what I’ve read in your ezine, it appears you would agree with me. Thank You!  I feel validated in remaining friends with my soon to be ex husband for the sake of our two children whom we both love and adore!

Kirsten S, Dallas, TX


I always enjoy reading your articles.  You offer a lot of good wisdom. In my own situation, I am finally seeing my former wife become easier to deal with recently.  It’s been about three years since the initial separation that led to divorce. Thanks for all of your good writing each week!

Eric K, Memphis, TN


I just want to say ‘thank you’ for all the helpful and pertinent information you communicate to your readers on this ezine. I am presently in the divorce process and have custody of my 6 year old special needs child. I look forward to the advice you give and appreciate it greatly. Keep up the good work!!

Tracey S, Clifton, NJ


I’m enjoying reading and listening to your information. I work with people who are going through divorce and those working through co-parenting. Your insight is most helpful. Your message resonates and I’m enjoying your work. Thank you and I will continue to follow your posts.

Chris W, Tampa, FL


Your articles: “What to tell your spouse before you tell the kids” and “Marriage, Divorce, and the Economy” are both great. Our guys need this valuable perspective. Keep sending them and we’ll keep posting them!

Rick Ortiz


Rosalind, you are super. I learn lots from you and pass it along. You are a love to provide the support that you do.

Bob B, Akron, OH


Thank you for writing on all the topics that you do. They have helped me to step back and breathe. What you do is important and powerful and I wanted to be sure to let you know that it’s very appreciated.

Brady M, Toronto, CA


Thank you Rosalind for sharing your thoughts on being open and receptive. Now more than ever, my listening and observational skills for myself, my children and ex-spouse are needed. This is a challenge because after all if we saw eye-to-eye, we’d likely still be married. Choosing the well-being of our children over our own desire to be “right” is sometimes required.  Thanks for the guidance.

Garnet M. San Francisco, CA


I always look forward to receiving your ezine. You are certainly making a positive difference in the lives of divorced families!

Monique P, Jupiter, FL


Thank you for your advice. And I continue to read your regular ezine, as your articles are very insightful. Please continue inspiring those who may not know even how to begin to lead their lives as single parents raising children.

Nadia K, Wilmington, DE


Just want you to know that you are a huge help. My children are 20 and 16 and I’m often “The Bad Guy.” You are helping me keep it together so I can be there for my boys in the most consistent loving way possible.  It’s going to be a long time before the air feels better for breathing but you give me strength and hope.

Sandra M, Birmingham, AL


I have been reading your wonderful ezine for a while now. You really helped me through a very rough time.

Shelby S, Kingston, NY


Thank you Rosalind for sharing your mission for a child-centered focus! You are truly an inspirational resource for us parents who look to your advice!

Robin N, Arlington, TX


Every new client I get, I refer them to your articles. You are a good messenger!  Many thanks!

Paule Roberge, Mediator
Montreal, Quebec


Your newsletter is very helpful. I really love reading it and cannot thank you enough …

Jasmine P, Paris, France


Thank you Rosalind. Your sound advice helps to maintain sanity in my situation.

Vaishali B, Mumbai, India


Your article on Bashing Your Ex is so true. Sometimes when things aren’t going well, we first instinctively try to protect ourselves, especially in the eyes of our children, even if it means casting a negative light on our co-parenting partners (especially since we’re no longer married to them). Add to that the anger, resentment, confusion and changing emotions of a divorce and the complex patterns of raising a child, and it’s hard to imagine how anyone does it without bashing their ex. Thank you for this.

Rori R, Seatle, WA


Thanks for posting this article. The last 6 items in the checklist describe my feelings perfectly. I’m currently seeing a counselor and I will bring this checklist so that I can get some advice on facing these issues. My parents were divorced 38 years ago when I was 4 and I’m just beginning to see what an impact it has had on my life and relationships. I hope this will help me to repair the broken trust that I have had for so long. Thanks again.

Mike P, Portland, OR


I read your ezine regularly and am amazed at how I can relate so easily. You see things from the eyes of a mother but never leave out the father. This most recent email really hit home. I hope, as you do, that fathers are going to be seen differently. We are not just a paycheck but need and want involvement in our children’s lives.

Allen E, Scranton, PA


Rosalind Sedacca’s work on conscious parenting following divorce is phenomenal.  Her website, books, ezine, coaching, etc. offer the most potent, helpful reframes and rewrites on the planet.  Her outlook is decidedly innovative and mind-stretching.  Everything she creates in this arena is for the good of the children and all concerned – always focused on the most important issue – the wellness of the children and their emotional health.

Sarena Morella, LMHC


And then there’s your newsletter I just love. I read every single one 🙂

George K, Chicago, IL