The caring support you need if you're a parent who's facing ... going through ... or moving on after divorce! - Divorce and Co-Parenting - Parenting Children of Divorce - Dating as a Divorced Parent
Created by Rosalind Sedacca, CDC
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Moving through or beyond Divorce?
Get your free copy of Post-Divorce Parenting: Success Strategies For Getting It Right! by Rosalind Sedacca, CDC —
packed with valuable advice, tips, resources and more!
If you’re a parent facing separation or divorce …
Don’t make your children pay the price for your divorce!
Learn the mistakes to avoid –
before you make them –
for the sake of your kids!
You’re facing the most difficult conversation you may ever have.
And you want to get it “right.”
You don’t want to hurt your children.
Because there’s so much at stake.
My name is Rosalind Sedacca. I’ve been where you are now – and I understand how you feel. Anxious, worried … maybe even terrified at the prospect of talking to your kids about the changes ahead.
That’s why I wrote my internationally acclaimed ebook,
… a Create-a-Storybook Guide To Preparing Your Children – With Love!
Endorsed by therapists, attorneys, mediators, coaches, educators and other divorce professionals world-wide.
At a time when it’s hard to feel positive, I can show you how to create the most positive outcome to this tough situation – for the sake of the children you love.
Let me help you.
Dear Friend:
I never thought my marriage would end in divorce. I’m sure you didn’t either.
But mine did end more than a decade ago. And now it’s happening to you.
Whether you’re getting divorced or separated, it’s a challenging time. For you, your spouse, and especially for your innocent children.
I know … because I went through it too.
I struggled with the anger, the hurt, the gut-wrenching fear, as well as the anxiety and guilt. What’s worse, I struggled with the burning question that kept me up for weeks:
How do I tell the kids?
Are you facing the same dilemma?
Are you wondering …
when to break the news to your kids?
how you’re going to tell them?
whether to do it alone or with your spouse?
And most important of all – are you unsure about …
what you should say?
I’ve been there. And I stayed up for many sleepless nights trying to figure out the best way to break the news. Ultimately I came up with an innovative, yet simple new approach that was very successful for me and the hundreds of other families that have been using it since I launched my book.
I am excited to share this approach with you. And I want to remind you that you’re not alone.
There are answers to your questions. There’s also a simple way to tell your children in a manner that eases their pain, reassures them of your love and helps them get through the transition that lies ahead. Best of all …
How Do I Tell the Kids About the Divorce …
doesn’t just tell you what to say. It says it for you!
Let’s face it, telling your children about the divorce may be the most difficult conversation you’ll ever have. Why leave it to chance?
I wrote this guidebook so you don’t have to worry, spend sleepless nights or beat yourself up about making a mistake … saying the wrong things … falling apart … or not having answers to your children’s immediate questions.
I know there are many books about children and divorce. What makes this one unique? My innovative Create-a-Storybookconcept. I’ve prepared for you an actual template – the word-for-word text that tells you just what you need to say – in age-appropriate language for children 5 to 10 or 10 to 15. And then I guide you, step-by-step, in preparing an attractive personal family storybook, in a photo-album format, that your children will want to read.
In other words, I don’t just tell you what to say – I actually say it for you – with love and compassion! I also include the six key messages your children continuously need to hear, understand and accept at this crucial time. Even if you don’t purchase my guidebook, you need to make sure you share these essential messages with your kids again and again so that they never forget:
You are, and always will be, loved my Mom and Dad.
You are, and will continue to be, safe.
You are not to blame for any of this.
Mom and Dad will still always be your Mom and Dad.
This is about change, not about blame.
Everything is going to be okay.
No other book anywhere shows you how to create a customized storybook uniquely about your family… your children … and your divorce!
The benefits for both you and your children are immeasurable.
After reading this Guidebook …
You will feel…
confident about how to begin, end, and know just what to say all the way through the “divorce” conversation
prepared to share with your children the six essential concepts they need to understand and accept
aware of what your children may be thinking and feeling so you can respond accordingly
secure, as a role-model for your children, on how to handle disagreements and discord with dignity, integrity and respect
proud, for the sake of your children, that you took the high road as you venture into your separation or divorce
empowered about conveying your message with understanding, compassion and love
confident you’re giving your family the best possible foundation for a healthy and harmonious future, despite your divorce
capable of creating and maintaining a Child-Centered divorce
ready to tell your kids about the divorce – because you will be!
You will know …
how to avoid anxiety, awkwardness and stumbling for just the right words
you have a text you can refer back to so that you stay on track – even when emotions run high
how to communicate in the language your children (between the ages of 5 and 15) will understand – and appreciate
what to expect, how to respond and be prepared with answers to inevitable questions
you are giving your children a wonderful storybook about them and their family that they will want to read over and over again for reassurance
how to access resources you can turn to, including: articles, organizations, attorneys and therapists, to give you additional support in the coming months
You will be relieved that your kids will …
feel safe, loved and accepted during this difficult time in their lives
know and understand they are not responsible or to blame for your divorce
discover that change, while frightening and difficult, is inevitable and can turn out okay
appreciate having a storybook about them and their family that they can read again and again for reassurance
grasp, through text and family photographs, that life goes on from the past into the future, and there will be many happy experiences to look forward to ahead
hear, and start to accept, the six key messages essential to help them through the divorce and beyond
avoid the anxiety and guilt of having to make choices or decisions that are not their responsibility
remember the respectful way you handled the challenges both parents have been experiencing
thank you when they grow up, as my son did, for trying your hardest at all times to create a Child-Centered Divorce!
Why, you may ask, should I listen to you?
Who am I to advise YOU about how to tell your kids about your pending separation or divorce?
I’m a mother who created a unique storybook concept that worked quite successfully with my own family! (My son, who is now a grown young man, proudly wrote the introduction to my book.) Click here if you’d like to read it.
I’m a Certified Divorce Coach and Founder of the Child-Centered Divorce Network — celebrating our 15th Anniversary in 2021!
I’m the author of the Parenting Beyond Divorce guidebook, a 10-hour Mastering Child-Centered Divorce Audio Coaching Program with Workbook, an 8-hour Anger Management course for co-parents, several other eCourses and ebooks, hundreds of articles and interviews – as well as contributions to other people’s books – on personal, family and romantic relationships.
I’m also wise enough not to be doing this alone!
Six professional Therapists share their expertise with you!
That’s right. Because this is such an important message, not one or two, but six professionaltherapists, experienced with divorce andmediation, contribute their considerable expertise to this guidebook. Their insight, advice, commentary and support add significantly to the value of How Do I Tell the Kids About the Divorce? – making it a resource you can turn to again and again in the days, weeks, months … and even years ahead.
Psychotherapists, mediators, divorce attorneys, coaches, educators and other divorce professionals around the world endorse and support …
How Do I Tell the Kids About the Divorce?
Clinical Psychologist, Jack Singer says …
“Rosalind Sedacca’s ‘How Do I Tell the Kids About the DIVORCE?’ is a much needed breakthrough in the emotional minefield that parents traverse when they prepare their children for an impending divorce. The template, storybook strategy sends sensitive, kind, loving and safe messages, which every child needs as they prepare for the scary unknown. I recommend her book for everyone who has children and is contemplating divorce.” —Jack Singer, Ph.D., Licensed Clinical & Forensic Psychologist, Expert Witness, Custody and Family Matters
35-year therapist, Beverly Gibel says …
“Rosalind Sedacca has made a monumental contribution to self-help resources in an area that affects the lives of millions of men, women and children. After 35 years of counseling people in various stages of uncoupling, I can testify to the urgent need of a “how to” guide for people contemplating divorce. This book offers them a “life preserver.” I have already referred my patients to this material and have received great feedback. I cannot recommend this book highly enough.” —Beverly Gibel, LCSW, ACSW, BCD
“How Do I Tell the Kids About the DIVORCE? is unique in that it offers parents an innovative approach to having that difficult and usually dreaded initial conversation with their children and making it as positive and supportive as possible. The fill-in-the-blanks template concept is original and will be an extremely useful tool for families during a difficult time. A parent contemplating a divorce would be well served by reading this valuable book.” —Raoul Felder, Divorce Attorney
45-year divorce attorney Richard Kulerski says …
“Rosalind Sedacca has just improved the lives of countless children. I have practiced divorce law for 45 years and will attest to the importance of how children are introduced to their parents’ divorce. How Do I Tell the Kids about the Divorce? gives us something simple and sound to rely upon. There is absolutely no downside to Rosalind’s storybook concept. It’s all good and it beats anything else that I’ve come across. In fact, it’s great and it is definitely something that the world has needed. The book is a winner and it is also a lifesaver.” —J. Richard Kulerski, Esq
Divorce Mediator Belinda Rachman says …
“Rosalind Sedacca has invaluable information to share with divorcing parents. There is no other book a couple needs to help them with the most difficult conversation a parent can have with a child, that their parents are getting divorced. You are VERY lucky to have found my partner in the peaceful divorce movement.” —Belinda Rachman, Esq
Author and Parenting Specialist, Dr. Sally Goldberg says …
“This hands-on interactive storybook is a must for all parents going through a divorce. It is a step-by-step guide for appropriately including children in the process. No parent should leave their home without it!” —Sally Goldberg, PhD, Center for Successful Children
Author and Divorce Mediator Cynthia Tiano says …
“Rosalind’s brilliant book’s non-judgmental, compassionate and no-nonsense approach will resonate with all divorcing parents – even those with the most challenging relationships. It is a critical piece of the divorce puzzle, and a must read!” —CynthiaTiano, Esq., author Happily Divorced
Therapist and Relationship Coach JoAnn Simmons says …
“At last! A breakthrough “hands on” divorce guidebook brilliantly designed to help soften the divorce announcement blow for children. This book is a MUST for any divorcing parent who wants a humanist approach to telling their children. This book is bound to help thousands of children.” —Jo Ann C. Simmons, MA, LMHC, RCC
Psychotherapist and author, Dr. Paul Wanio says …
“Rosalind Sedacca has put together a vital tool in helping children (and families) through one of the most difficult times in life. Her book, “How Do I Tell the Kids about the Divorce?” moves beyond a traditional “self-help book” and becomes a real, practical, ongoing part of a child’s life. It accomplishes this by being interactive and involving real participation by the child and other family members. I highly recommend this as more than a book, but a tool to assist children to more successfully navigate the disorientation and maze that is part and parcel of divorce.” —C. Paul Wanio, Ph.D., LMFT, LMHC
Psychotherapist and spiritual counselor Dr. Mathew Anderson says …
“This book is both healing and helpful to children of divorce and their parents. It is insightful and a particularly pragmatic, down-to-earth tool for dealing with a terribly difficult subject. God bless you Rosalind for writing it and also for living it.” —Matthew Anderson, D.Min., Author
Family Mediator and Psychotherapist, Dr. Deri Ronis says …
“I highly recommend “How Do I Tell the Kids about the Divorce?” Its style is non-judgmental and helpful, full of practical, easy to understand advice that anyone can use. It is a healing balm based on the author’s own experience which is crucial to empathizing with those going through the same experience. As a State Certified Family Mediator and Psychotherapist, I cannot emphasize enough the importance of having such an easy to use tool for a very challenging situation.” —Deri Joy Ronis, Ph.D.,
Success Coach Mari Smith says …
“Rosalind, your book is sheer brilliance! How Do I Tell the Kids… about the DIVORCE? provides a unique opportunity for families struggling through this difficult time to create a tangible, pictorial representation of the good times that could be a keepsake for years, even generations, to come. Your book will surely help children of divorced parents grow up to be more emotionally resilient adults. (I only wish my parents had this invaluable tool for their divorce when I was 12—I found it therapeutic to go through almost 30 years later!)” —Mari Smith, Success Coach
And that’s not all. Additional endorsements continue to come in every day as word about this valuable guidebook keeps spreading!
“Rosalind, I am so grateful. We used our storybook yesterday to tell our three young children and I believe it made the experience as smooth as it possibly could be. And I’m glad they have something they can refer to and get the positive messages they’ll need to hear. My daughter even wanted to show it to one of her friends today to explain the “big changes” in our family.”
Thank you so much, Gretchen
“I want to thank you for this book. The most terrifying and upsetting aspect of separation for me are how to tell my children and how to help them understand and cope as our lives change. Reading your book has helped calm my fears somewhat as it has given me a voice and a place to start. Thank you for that!”
(See dozens of other quotes from divorcing parents and divorce experts at just click on the TESTIMONIALS button.)
Why isn’t this book available in any book store?
Many people ask me about that. And the answer is simple. I’m offering my ebook to you in digital format – as a downloadable file – for a very strategic reason. Unlike most books, How Do I Tell the Kids About The Divorce? was designed to be personalized – by you – for your family. And that’s best done through a simple digital download.
Your guidebook includes two fill-in-the-blank templates. One for children aged five to ten. The other for older children up to age fifteen. They’re very easy tocomplete, adapt, customize and/or change in any way that suits you and your personal circumstances. Clear instructions guide you, step-by-step, in creating your storybook, answering your questions section by section. And because this is a download, you get the book right now – when you need it most – so you can immediately begin your journey to peace of mind.
But the value of this guidebook doesn’t stop there.
Throughout the book you’ll benefit from the guidance, experience and support of six expert professionals who take you from your first conversation through pitfalls to avoid, and signals to pay attention to, in the weeks, months and even years down the road.
The advice of my expert contributors will provide additional insight to help you create the storybook that best suits your children and your family. You’ll also find lots of suggestions about how to add your own individual touch to the style, design and format of your storybook – from the most basic approach to turning out a highly creative work of art.
While there’s no right or wrong way to make your storybook, you can be totally confident that it will convey the right message you want to give to your kids!
and take advantage of $146.00 worth of free bonuses!
FREE BONUS #1: Value $35.00
How Do I Tell The Kids About The Divorce?
Therapeutic Insights Journal
Every child and every family is unique in how they react to news about separation or divorce. This incredibly valuable resource tool enables you to “Dump It Here & Stay Clear.” Use it immediately after your initial conversation with the kids to record key elements of the experience. It will provide stability, support and clarity during the weeks and months to come.
Strategic questions will guide you in discovering and responding to important issues relative to your divorce and your family. These insights will help you focus on topics that need clarification … emotional and physical reactions that need immediate attention … questions that need answering … and situations that might best be handled through professional guidance. By keeping track of the different ways everyone in your family responds to the challenges at hand, you will be better able to understand their perspective — and address their needs.
FREE BONUS #2: Value $18.00
Special Report by C. Paul Wanio, PhD, LMFT
The What-To-Say CHECKLIST When Telling the Kids About Your Divorce
This Special Report, written by one of the expert contributors to the Guidebook, provides a comprehensive overview of what’s most relevant to include when first talking to your kids about your divorce. The convenient Checklist format helps make sure you don’t overlook essential messages when answering your children’s questions. You’ll find the reassurance, guidance and critical reminders in this report will relieve your anxiety as you face one of the most difficult conversations any parent is likely to have with their children.
FREE BONUS #3: Value $18.00
Special Report by C. Paul Wanio, PhD, LMFT
Recognizing Signs of Conflict in Your Child
The first step in helping your children cope with news about your divorce is being able to recognize various behaviors or “signals” that tell you something is wrong or needs attention. There is always a reason for what your child does. To discover that reason – and interpret those signals – it is important to maintain the proper perspective. This informative report focuses on some of the most common “SIGNALS” which may indicate that something is troubling your child – providing insights to help you better understand and respond.
And then there’s Extra Special …
FREE BONUS #4: Value $75.00
30-minute free Telephone Coaching Session with
me, Rosalind Sedacca, CDC, author of
How Do I Tell The Kids About The Divorce?
Take advantage of the experience and expertise of a Divorce & Co-Parenting Coach who understands the emotional, physical and spiritual challenges faced by parents and children of divorce. I’ve worked with families in crisis for more than a decade, experiencing first hand, the emotional impact of divorce on children. I understand the intricate dynamics between children, parents and spouses and have been able to successfully help many troubled families as they move into, through and beyond divorce.
Use this valuable time to ask questions, clarify problems, discuss personal issues and get keen insights into how to best create a Child-Centered Divorce in your family. As a caring, compassionate professional I can guide you in choosing the most positive course of action as you embark upon the road to a successful future.
In addition to all these bonuses — to assure your satisfaction — I’ll give you a full money-back guarantee!
I’m so confident that you’ll get such value from How Do I Tell the Kids About the Divorce? that I make this Guarantee: If, after reading the content, absorbing the advice from my six expert contributors, using the fill-in-the-blank templates and reviewing the extensive directory of resources, you are not completely satisfied with the value of this ebook, send me an email telling me why (because I value your feedback) at [email protected] and I’ll give you a complete refund of your purchase price. No hassles. This guarantee is in place for a full 8 weeks, so your order today is totally risk-free!
I’m sure you agree that’s as fair a deal as you can get. You have nothing to lose and so much to gain – for yourself, your children, your entire family!
The support you need to move ahead with your divorce!
In summary, here’s what you get …
a total package with ebook and bonuses worth more than $180.00!
How Do I Tell the Kids About the Divorce? A Create-a-Storybook Guide To Preparing Your Children — With Love!
Advice, suggestions, resources from six professional therapists and mediators experienced with family divorce issues
FREE 30-minute telephone divorce coaching with Rosalind Sedacca, CDC, to help you move ahead on the best course of action
FREE How Do I Tell the Kids About the Divorce? “Therapeutic Insights Journal” created by Rosalind Sedacca, CDC
FREE Special Report by C. Paul Wanio, PhD, LMFT: “The What-To-Say CHECKLIST When Telling the Kids About Your Divorce”
FREE Special Report by C. Paul Wanio, PhD, LMFT: “Signals: Recognizing Signs of Conflict in Your Child”
Certainly that’s a lot of value for very little money. Your family deserves the best you can give them. Here’s the perfect way to start building this new chapter in your family life on the strongest foundation … and in the most positive direction.
Take advantage of the wisdom I’ve gained through my own personal divorce experience and coaching so many others. Learn from the cumulative expertise shared by top professionals in the field. Reserve your copy of HOW DO I TELL THE KIDS ABOUT THE DIVORCE? – along with all the valuable FREE bonuses – now! Just click the link below to get your download today.
Sincere best wishes to you and your children,
Rosalind Sedacca, CDC
The Voice of Child-Centered Divorce
Author, How Do I Tell the Kids About the Divorce?
P.S: When you order your new ebook and free bonuses, you are welcomed into the Child-Centered Divorce Network. That means you’ll have easy access to vital information for you and your family. This includes a content-rich weekly ezine, timely new articles, webinars, coaching services, expert interviews, Facebook CCD page to ask questions, special events and networking opportunities with other Child-Centered Divorce families.
Important note: I respect your privacy and promise you will not be bombarded with product pitches or other annoying and invasive offers. I pride myself on treating members of the Child-Centered Divorce Network with the thoughtfulness and respect you deserve – just as I would choose for myself.
One last reminder.
I am passionate about getting my professionally acclaimed guidebook to all the divorcing or separating parents who need it, but I cannot guarantee the inclusion of all the bonuses – free of charge – in the future. So I urge you to take advantage of this tremendous $29 offer now. You will be so glad you did!
Still haven’t decided?
Before You Leave …
If you’re not ready to order How Do I Tell the Kids About the Divorce? and take advantage of the free bonuses and free coaching session, at the very least do sign up for my free ebook on Post Divorce Parenting. You’ll get great advice you can use during and long after your divorce. I urge you to enter your name and email address at
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