Rosalind Sedacca’s Divorce and Co-Parenting Coaching Services Get Client Raves!
Whether you choose one to one personal coaching or Rosalind Sedacca’s powerful Mastering Child-Centered Divorce Audio Coaching Program or Parenting Beyond Divorce guidebook, you’ll get even more than you expected in terms of results and peace of mind!
My experience with Rosalind has been phenomenal! There are no words to express the support, warmth, and compassion I continue to receive from her as a coach. I would highly recommend her coaching modalities if you’re facing divorce, and wish to go about the separation in a child-centered approach. Thank you Rosalind for your guidance, and for being here throughout this process!
Jenny Hand, Orlando, FL
Rosalind was the first person that really was able to help me talk through all the emotions I was experiencing, from a neutral place. She helped me work through the thoughts I was struggling with on deciding where to live. She had a wonderful way of reframing and helping me to articulate what I was feeling. I highly recommend her three call package. I really feel like this was so helpful in allowing me to feel confident in making the best choices for myself and knowing how to make in best for our children in the divorce.
Dana F, Boston, MA
Thank you for your very helpful mentoring call. I felt heard, understood and supported, and it was so important for me to be able to speak to someone who could really relate to all the different issues I’m working through. Our call left me with lots to think about and lots of practical things to do to help my situation. It’s good to know that there are people like you out there when I need someone to turn to.
Laura A, Columbus, OH
I learned so much from you. It is so important to make sure that divorce is a road bump and not the end of a family. Your work is enlightening, powerful and practical. Thank you for all that you do.
Sonyan White, San Francisco, CA
Your coaching was so helpful! My husband thanked me for all the work I’ve been doing and said the coaching with you was “priceless”!
The call on Tuesday night was so helpful. … there were a couple of points that really hit home and contained powerful help. Thanks for your responses. You have helped me in significant ways.
Sean M, St. Louis, MO
Thank you so much for all of your experience and insight. It has been very helpful for me. My spouse and I are going to tell the kids this weekend with the help of the storybook we wrote using your format. I really appreciate it and have already learned a lot of helpful things for me and my family. I look forward to one more session with you to add to my tool box.
Lorrie Z, Atlanta, GA
We’ve finished our child-centered divorce and are now settled nicely into a co-parenting relationship. Thank you for great coaching!
Robert S, West Palm Beach, FL
Rosalind, Thank You so much for coaching us today. I feel so much better and there is now a beautiful bridge built! I’m sure we’ll update you on that with good news ! Thank You!
Daphne Y, Durham, NC

Rosalind, the world is a much better place because of your incredible efforts for children.
Terry McNiff, Author: “Picture Your Divorce To See The Right Decisions”
Thank you for your wonderful Mastering Child-Centered Divorce Audio Coaching program. My divorce has been completed for some time and I certainly wish I had your course during the time of my divorce. It would have helped my family immeasurably. Your work is important and you are doing a fantastic job. I wish that all families going through divorce could have your program and benefit from your knowledge and wisdom. As a divorce coach and mediator, I will certainly recommend your work to my clients.
Naomi Douglas, Sydney, Australia
Divorce & Separation SOS
So glad I called you yesterday. Feel like I’m coming out of a fog and not sure where I am heading. Our conversation yesterday make me feel as if I can find a way to take care of myself. Thanks for your prayers and for keeping me in your thoughts. Look forward to working with you.
Gennia H, Cleveland, OH
THE expert in the area of divorce and parenting is absolutely Rosalind Sedacca! I have been a divorce attorney since 1996 and a school teacher for many years before that. I have NEVER seen a tool like Rosalind has come up with. And if you need coaching, be sure to talk to her.
Belinda Rachman, Esq.
Your Peaceful Divorce Expert
Divorce In A Day Mediation
I just wanted to write you and tell you how valuable your book How Do I Tell the Kids about Divorce? has been. It explained our family history and how the family has changed over the years and where we are headed in the future. It has been a tremendous resource for me and my children. Thank you so much for giving it to us as an option. I am so glad it was available. Also, the coaching session and teleseminars have been very helpful.
Scott U, Arlington, VA
Thanks to your coaching you’ve helped me say the appropriate things at the time. My children and I will be indebted to you all our lives for your guidance and for your speaking out publicly to divorcing parents. Thank you!
Sarah N, Tucson, AZ
Thank you so much for your knowledge, insight and loving approach to children and divorce.
Vandana P, St. Petersburg, FL
Thank you, Rosalind. You have been a great source of support.
Shelby S., Ft. Lee, NJ
Thanks for the great coaching. Your advice has helped me keep my mind straight.
Loren C., San Francisco, CA
Thanking you for all your insights, advice and wonderful words that help me see my challenges as life lessons. It is indeed a blessing to have you throw light on parenting divorced children. I wish you the very best in this noble work you carry out so beautifully! Thank you.
Vera B, Miami, FL
I enjoyed listening to the topics and gleaned much information from them. Thanks!
Tracey S, Austin, TX
Rosalind I wish everyone contemplating divorce would seek you out first. It’s so helpful to hear your advice on parenting and divorce because you`ve experienced the problems and you give excellent solutions. I believe you have an outstanding resource for children of divorce and their parents. You are doing excellent work. I save many of your newsletters because they are so good.
Jean Tracy, MSS
Thank you Rosalind for sharing your mission for a child-centered focus! You are truly an inspirational resource for us parents who look to your advice!
Robin N, Portland, OR
I love your work! If more parents understood that once someone files a Divorce With Children court case their children and finances are NO LONGER UNDER THEIR CONTROL, perhaps more parents would use your and my services to truly do what is BEST for their children. Thank you for all you do for “our children.”
Karen Wagner,
Learn more about working with Rosalind Sedacca, CDC
Divorce & Co-Parenting Coach