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Child Centered Divorce
The caring support you need if you're a parent who's facing ... going through ... or moving on after divorce!
  - Divorce and Co-Parenting
  - Parenting Children of Divorce
  - Dating as a Divorced Parent
Created by Rosalind Sedacca, CDC
Latino Children
Asian Children
African Children
Caucasian Children

5 Costly Mistakes That Can Sabotage a Pa...

5 Costly Mistakes That Can Sabotage a Parent’s Divorce Settlement
By Rosalind Sedacca, CCT When the emotional turmoil of divorce enters your life, it can be hard to focus on the crucial details revolving around financial issues. However, if you are not pro-active in covering your short and long-term financial needs, you can suffer the consequences for decades to come. Here are five mistakes to avoid when negotiating through your divorce. 1. Becoming a Financial Victim. Take the initiative. If a separation or divorce may be in your future, don’t wait. Be sure to make copies of all your important financial records. Include all account statements and other documents -- banks, checking accounts, credit cards, real estate mortgages, stocks and bonds, tax returns, wills, life insurance, etc. If there’s a chance your spouse may liquidate or re-title any marital assets, immediately notify the holder in writing and get a restraining order from the court. Keep your eye on the cash

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The Financial Side of Divorce

The Financial Side of Divorce
By Jane Brown Divorce is difficult under the best of circumstances, even if you are parting on good terms. When there are children involved it can be doubly difficult because your family unit is changing, and the kids won’t understand why. Even when you have managed to move on, from the emotional fallout of the divorce, you could still be left with the financial effects. In some ways, the financial effects could be more serious than the emotional, because they can actually affect your ability to support and provide for your children. Financial problems can also contribute to the emotional rift between you and your ex, which can then affect the emotional wellbeing of your children. Money Issues and Your Marriage If you were like a lot of American marriages, one spouse, often the male, earned more than the other. He may even have been the sole breadwinner. Additionally, you

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