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Child Centered Divorce
The caring support you need if you're a parent who's facing ... going through ... or moving on after divorce!
  - Divorce and Co-Parenting
  - Parenting Children of Divorce
  - Dating as a Divorced Parent
Created by Rosalind Sedacca, CDC
Latino Children
Asian Children
African Children
Caucasian Children

5 Ways To Minimize How Divorce Impacts Y...

5 Ways To Minimize How Divorce Impacts Your Children
By Rosalind Sedacca, CDC Communication with your children is always important But never as essential as when they are impacted by separation or divorce. Children are vulnerable and easily frightened by changes in their routines. The more you talk to and comfort them, the less stress and anxiety they’ll experience. This is the time to reassure your children that you are taking care of matters. To remind them that everyone in the family will be okay. Then, of course, take responsibility for doing what needs to be done to assure their well-being. Here are five important ways you can minimize the impact of divorce on your children to help them thrive during and after your divorce. 1.  Strive for normalcy and routine: It's important to keep as much normalcy in your children’s lives as is feasible. Maintaining relationships with friends and neighbors provides a sense of stability and continuity. Keeping

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How Child-Centered Divorce Month Can Tra...

How Child-Centered Divorce Month Can Transform Your Life!
An interview with Rosalind Sedacca, CDC January is International Child-Centered Divorce Month What is International Child-Centered Divorce Month? This January is the 13th Anniversary of Child-Centered Divorce Month. Its purpose is to support divorcing and divorced parents in coping with the effects of divorce on children. Equally important, it helps parents prevent emotional and psychological damage to children during and after a divorce. In recognition of International Child-Centered Divorce Month 2020 divorce experts around the world will be providing free ebooks, video webinars, coaching services, e-courses and other gifts to divorcing and divorced or separated parents throughout January.   Why commemorate ICCD Month every January? More divorces get initiated in January, following the holiday season, than in any other month. That’s why as a Divorce & Parenting Coach and founder of the Child-Centered Divorce Network, I chose January to commemorate International Child-Centered Divorce Month every year.

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Divorce can be brutal on kids physically, emotionally and psychologically. If you're a parent who's divorcing or divorced. It's crucial that you protect your innocent children so they don't pay the price. Hi, I'm Rosalind Sedacca. A divorce and co-parenting coach who helps parents make the best decisions about their kids before, during and, yes, long after divorce. So you don't rob your children of their childhood and instead set the stage for giving them a promising and happy future. With my experience, compassion and strategies, I help you make things right. Schedule a free Zoom session with me to discuss meaningful options for addressing your needs. There's no charge or obligation, and I'll also send you my free book on successful

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