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Child Centered Divorce
The caring support you need if you're a parent who's facing ... going through ... or moving on after divorce!
  - Divorce and Co-Parenting
  - Parenting Children of Divorce
  - Dating as a Divorced Parent
Created by Rosalind Sedacca, CDC
Latino Children
Asian Children
African Children
Caucasian Children

Make Effective Communication Top Priorit...

Make Effective Communication Top Priority For Co-Parenting Success
By Rosalind Sedacca, CDC Sure, divorce may end a marriage. But when you’re a parent it doesn’t end the need for working together on behalf of your children. How you communicate with one another about parenting issues is crucially important. That’s because it will affect your children today and for years to come! Here are some tips on keeping communication with your Ex as effective as possible. Communicate in writing  Use one of the many co-parenting apps/tools to schedule co-parenting appointments. You can also keep clear records of all conversations, notes, memos, and details. Avoid in-person or telephone talk if there is tension, animosity or conflict. Writing enables you to express yourself clearly and succinctly. Emails and texts record dates and time which can also be useful. Focus on the present – not the past  Communication is not about re-hashing old wounds and arguments. Focus on the issues at hand.

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5 Mindset Keys To More Positive Co-Paren...

5 Mindset Keys To More Positive Co-Parenting  (& a happier you) After Divorce!
Cooperative coparenting supports children By Rosalind Sedacca, CDC  Parenting during and after divorce can be complex, frustrating and confusing. However, every day parents around the world cope with the challenges and raise happy, well-adjusted children. There are many factors that impact your effectiveness as a co-parent. Here are five that greatly influence your pre- and post-divorce co-parenting success.  Monitor Your Attitude  Attitude plays a crucial part in every facet of our lives. It’s especially important when we’re parenting after divorce. If you make a commitment to creating as positive an experience as possible, on behalf of the children you love, you are on your way to succeeding. What attitude are you conveying about your divorce? Try to catch your thoughts and the way you speak about it. Are you filled with negativity? Resentment? Fear? Are your days consumed with a “poor me” mindset? Are you attracting

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8 Steps To Lasting Co-Parenting Success ...

8 Steps To Lasting Co-Parenting Success After Divorce
By Rosalind Sedacca, CDC Effective co-parenting after divorce takes awareness, commitment and skills. Here are 8 Steps to getting it right for the children you love. Parenting before and after divorce can be complex, frustrating and confusing. However, every day parents around the world are coping with the challenges of raising happy, well-adjusted children. There are many factors that influence your effectiveness as a parent. In this article we’ll review some of the major components of the pre- and post-divorce parenting success formula. Step 1: ATTITUDE Attitude plays a big part in the success of any divorce with children. If you approach your divorce with a commitment to making it as positive an experience as possible for the children you love, you are on your way to succeeding. What attitude are you conveying about your divorce? Are you filled with negativity? Are your days consumed with a “poor me” state

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Secrets Of Co-Parenting Effectively Desp...

Secrets Of Co-Parenting Effectively Despite Post-Divorce Challenges
By Rosalind Sedacca, CDC As a Divorce & Parenting Coach I’m often asked “What are the secrets to successful co-parenting after divorce?” That’s the million-dollar question. And while there is no simple answer, I believe most professionals will agree the smartest strategy is learning how to co-parent respectfully. That means remove anger, hostility or vindictiveness from your interactions with your former spouse and learn how to share co-parenting as loving parents to your kids. Of course, that’s not always easy to do. But it is doable. Learning to master effective  communication skills, showing empathy and finding areas of agreement whenever possible go a long way towards diffusing tensions and cooperating as parents. The benefits you derive can be substantial. They will more than make up for the ego gratification you get when holding on to those damaging emotions. Remember, your goal is not to re-establish your adult relationship. It’s to

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