The third annual recognition of National Child-Centered Divorce Month will take place throughout July across the United States. Everyone who plays a part in the divorce world – including therapists, attorneys, mediators, financial planners, coaches, educators, clergy and others – are encouraged to participate. Divorced parents are also invited to get their message heard about legal and co-parenting issues. The goal is spreading the word about viable alternatives available to divorcing parents to help them make the best decisions on behalf of their children.
National Child-Centered Divorce Month was initiated by Rosalind Sedacca, a Certified Corporate Trainer and author of the acclaimed ebook, How Do I Tell the Kids about the Divorce? A Create-a-Storybook Guide to Preparing Your Children — with Love! Sedacca is founder of the Child-Centered Divorce Network for parents and works closely with a broad group of therapists, attorneys, mediators, divorce coaches, educators and other professionals who focus on creating the most positive and harmonious outcomes for families transitioning through divorce.
Sedacca wants to enlist parents along with the nation’s legal, therapeutic and educational communities to join forces in July for the purpose of generating media attention nation-wide about crucial divorce-related issues. Through press releases, articles, radio/TV/print interviews, seminars, teleseminars, blog posts, and public events she wants the community to bring attention to important messages parents need to hear:
• Our traditional divorce legal system has long been failing us
• There are many other viable alternatives now available to parents
• Parents must take responsibility for how they discuss their divorce with their children
• Helpful resources are available to assist families that are having challenges
• Parenting after divorce is a long-term responsibility that should be shared whenever possible
• Children who are negatively affected by divorce need to be identified and helped
• The effects of poor parenting after divorce can last a lifetime – but quality assistance is available and should be sought out
• The media, legal, therapeutic and educational communities all need to work together to get these messages out
Sedacca encourages all professionals who counsel, coach, teach or support divorcing families to participate in National Child-Centered Divorce Month. She encourages all interested parties to communicate and brainstorm their ideas through, her Child-Centered Divorce Groups on facebook and LinkedIn, or on her blogs at, or She can also be reached at [email protected].