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Child Centered Divorce
The caring support you need if you're a parent who's facing ... going through ... or moving on after divorce!
  - Divorce and Co-Parenting
  - Parenting Children of Divorce
  - Dating as a Divorced Parent
Created by Rosalind Sedacca, CDC
Latino Children
Asian Children
African Children
Caucasian Children

New Year … New Surge of Divorces. How Wi

New Year … New Surge of Divorces. How Will Your Children Be Affected?
Statistics bear it out. Every January the number of couples filing for divorce rises dramatically. And despite the economy, this year the numbers are still there. When you think about it, the reason comes as no surprise. Many couples considering splitting decide to wait until after the holidays to break the news to their children. Others wait to take advantage of year-end job bonuses, if they come, so they’ll have the extra funds to cover attorney, moving and other related expenses. Regardless, it’s not the why that should be concerning us at this time – it’s the how. How are these couples, if they are parents, going to approach their separation or divorce – and how will it affect their innocent children? I, too, planned my separation at this time of year more than a decade ago. My son was eleven at the time. We told him a couple of

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New Group Coaching Tele-Program Beginnin...

New Group Coaching Tele-Program Beginning Soon
Just two spots remaining for Rosalind Sedacca's new 2009 Child-Centered Divorce Group Coaching Program Response to my new Child-Centered Divorce Group Coaching Program has been amazing. I'm busily planning the two groups now and have some additional bonuses on tap for each of our participants! However, there are only two spots remaining for Group 1: Getting Off to the Right Start, designed especially for those of you facing, moving through or recently divorced. Group 2: Success Strategies for Maintaining a Child-Centered Divorce, will be slightly larger. At this point there are possibly three spots available for this post-divorce parenting group focused on those divorced for more than six months. Even if you've been divorced for six years you'll find valuable information in this program that will benefit everyone in the family. Here is how it will work: · Each group will meet every other week for three months, via teleconference,

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