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Child Centered Divorce
The caring support you need if you're a parent who's facing ... going through ... or moving on after divorce!
  - Divorce and Co-Parenting
  - Parenting Children of Divorce
  - Dating as a Divorced Parent
Created by Rosalind Sedacca, CDC
Latino Children
Asian Children
African Children
Caucasian Children

Want A Peaceful Child-Centered Divorce: ...

Want A Peaceful Child-Centered Divorce:  Parents, It’s Up To You!
By Rosalind Sedacca, CDC Picture this: you’re getting divorced and you’re angry, resentful, hurt, or any combination of other painful emotions. You want to lash out at, or maybe get back at your soon to be former spouse. Hiring the most aggressive divorce lawyer you can find seems like your smartest choice. You are gearing up for a fight! But stop.  Think. If you are a parent, you may be making a choice you regret for a long time. If you choose a lawyer who directs you into a vicious court battle, the costs may be insurmountable. Not only the financial expenses, but the emotional costs as well. Keep Out Of The Courts Think long and hard before you move your divorce battle into the legal system. If you do, it's likely to take its toll on every member of your family – especially your children. And sadly, in the

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Creating a Child-Centered Divorce: A Wak...

Creating a Child-Centered Divorce: A Wakeup Call for Parents!
Picture this: you’re getting divorced and you’re angry, resentful, hurt, or any combination of other painful emotions. You want to lash out at, or maybe get back at your soon to be former spouse. Hiring the most aggressive divorce lawyer you can find seems like your smartest choice. You are gearing up for a fight! But stop. Think. If you are a parent, you may be making a choice you regret for a long time. If you choose a lawyer who directs you into a vicious court battle, the costs may be insurmountable – not only the financial expenses, but the emotional costs as well. Think long and hard before you move your divorce battle into the legal system. If you do that it is likely to take its toll on every member of your family – especially your children – in the most destructive and gut-wrenching ways. It happens

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Commemorate International Child-Centered...

Commemorate International Child-Centered Divorce Month 2013 with free gifts & events for families dealing with divorce issues!
If you’re a parent coping with divorce-related issues, professionals around the world are here to provide free gifts and services to you all through January. In recognition of International Child-Centered Divorce Month, we’ve enrolled child-centered divorce mediators, divorce coaches, therapists, financial planners and other professionals on four continents to join this educational campaign. Their goal is to share insights, advice, tips and tools to help you create the most positive outcome for your family as you transition through divorce and beyond.

Divorcing Parents: Don’t Bring Your Batt

Divorcing Parents: Don’t Bring Your Battles to Court
Divorcing parents, when you give your divorce outcome over to the courts, you are paving the way to unimaginable stress and frustration compounded by a sense of powerlessness that is hard to comprehend until you are in its grips. Avoid aggressive divorce attorneys bent on litigation and choose instead Collaborative lawyers or divorce mediators who put the needs of your children ahead of court battles that will be costly in terms of finances as well as the psychological well-being of your children.