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Child Centered Divorce
The caring support you need if you're a parent who's facing ... going through ... or moving on after divorce!
  - Divorce and Co-Parenting
  - Parenting Children of Divorce
  - Dating as a Divorced Parent
Created by Rosalind Sedacca, CDC
Latino Children
Asian Children
African Children
Caucasian Children

Coach Janet Price Supports Child-Centere...

Coach Janet Price Supports Child-Centered Divorce Month with her Expertise
Ready to end the toxic communication and court proceedings! Tired of the power games and threats? Learn how to respond so that negative communication is shut down. Welcome to Conscious Co-Parenting with JANET PRICE  -- Divorce, Co-Parenting & Life Transition Coach  Most parents believe a divorce is or was the best option for you and your children to achieve a life of peace and happiness. However, for many, the divorce has brought about a whole different interchange of drama. The new peaceful life you imagined is far from what you and your children are living. Whether you are currently divorced or not, the problems in a high-conflict relationship are similar:  Personal attacks via text messages, emails, & phone calls from your partner or ex spouse   Attempts by your partner or ex spouse to control or change the agreements regarding the children   Your anxiety is through the roof because the other parent quizzes

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10 Questions Divorcing Parents Must Answ...

10 Questions Divorcing Parents Must Answer Before Fighting Over the Kids!
By Rosalind Sedacca, CDC  Larry Sarezky is a Family Law attorney with a strong, child-centered focus. He is also the author of an excellent book, Divorce Simply Stated, that I highly recommend. Larry created a list of ten questions for clients who are considering custody battles. He tells them, if your co-parent wants to fight over the kids, ask them to answer the following questions – and think about the consequences of each one. It’s a good exercise for every parent coping with the challenges of divorce: 1.   Do you want your children to endure months of anxiety and uncertainty as to where they will be living and whether they will have the relationship they want with their parents and siblings? When you prolong the child-care battle, your children pay the price in stress. Seek out mediation to find a path toward co-parenting solutions that honor your children. 2.

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What To Do When Your Ex Bad-Mouths You t...

What To Do When Your Ex Bad-Mouths You to Your Kids
By Sandra Beck Many of us in high-conflict parenting relationships find ourselves the butt of jokes, the victim of malicious half-true and down-right untrue gossip spread by our Ex or their partner, and being the topic of “heart-to-heart” conversations with your ex and your children filled with carefully crafted stories intended to alienate your children from you. Sometimes it works. Sometimes your kids come home and say things like, “Mom, is it true that when you were in your 20s you smoked pot? Dad said you did and he said his current wife never did that?” or they say, “Hey Mom, Dad says you lie in court. Dad says you lie to the police. Dad said you lie to his friends.” The hard thing is not reacting. You want to knock some sense into the thick-skulled Ex for not understanding his or her need to punish, retaliate, control or whatever

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