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Child Centered Divorce
The caring support you need if you're a parent who's facing ... going through ... or moving on after divorce!
  - Divorce and Co-Parenting
  - Parenting Children of Divorce
  - Dating as a Divorced Parent
Created by Rosalind Sedacca, CDC
Latino Children
Asian Children
African Children
Caucasian Children

A Smart Parenting Plan Your Best Asset w...

A Smart Parenting Plan Your Best Asset when Parenting After Divorce
By Rosalind Sedacca, CCT Parenting plans are becoming more and more recognized as the way for both parents to coordinate their parenting, their lives and their relationship with their children after divorce. In its simplest form a parenting plan puts in writing the agreed upon schedule both parents have created regarding most all parenting arrangements. It outlines the days, times and other details of when, where and how each parent will be with the children along with other agreements both parents will follow in the months and years to come. The purpose of the plans is to determine strategies that are in the children’s best interest to create smooth, easy and positive transitions. These plans encourage cooperative co-parenting so that the children feel secure, loved, wanted and nurtured by both of their parents. Plans can vary in depth and scope. Often they include guidelines for routine residential arrangements as well

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New Group Coaching Tele-Program Beginnin...

New Group Coaching Tele-Program Beginning Soon
Just two spots remaining for Rosalind Sedacca's new 2009 Child-Centered Divorce Group Coaching Program Response to my new Child-Centered Divorce Group Coaching Program has been amazing. I'm busily planning the two groups now and have some additional bonuses on tap for each of our participants! However, there are only two spots remaining for Group 1: Getting Off to the Right Start, designed especially for those of you facing, moving through or recently divorced. Group 2: Success Strategies for Maintaining a Child-Centered Divorce, will be slightly larger. At this point there are possibly three spots available for this post-divorce parenting group focused on those divorced for more than six months. Even if you've been divorced for six years you'll find valuable information in this program that will benefit everyone in the family. Here is how it will work: · Each group will meet every other week for three months, via teleconference,

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