By Rosalind Sedacca, CDC One million American children experience divorce each year. All of their parents face the same heart-wrenching dilemma … “How do I tell the kids?” If you’re facing the challenges of telling your kids about a divorce or separation, take heart. Now there’s an easier, more effective way to do it right. Acclaimed by therapists, attorneys, mediators, educators and other professionals around the world, How Do I Tell the Kids About the Divorce? A Create-a-Storybook Guide to Preparing Your Children -- With Love! is a unique guidebook that doesn’t just tell parents what to say. It says it for you! Getting both parents in alignment for the sake of the kids! Rosalind Sedacca’s Create-a-Storybook concept guides you in creating a special storybook. It uses your family photos, along with her customizable fill-in-the-blank templates written in age-appropriate language (for ages 5-15). It’s a unique and proven approach unlike
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By Rosalind Sedacca, CDC Divorce need not wound and scar your children if you put their emotional and psychological needs first when making crucial decisions. Some parents don’t understand that every decision they make regarding their divorce will affect the wellbeing of their children in countless ways. The emotional scars are not only harder to see, they’re also much harder to erase. Here are five keys to helping your children move through and thrive after divorce. Remind them this is not their fault. Children tend to blame themselves for divorce, no matter how bad their parents’ relationship has been. The younger the child, the more likely this is so. But even teens feel guilt related to the divorce. Sit down together and talk to your children, emphasizing that they are in no way at fault. You can say something like: “As your parents we’re having problems getting along and agreeing
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Child Caught Between Divorced Parents By Rosalind Sedacca, CDC Preparing to tell your kids you’re divorcing their other parent? Worried about how to broach the subject? Wondering what to say and do? Concerned about how they will react? How to handle their questions? How to deal with unexpected reactions? What the experts advise? You’re not alone. Breaking the divorce news to children is one of the toughest conversations any parent will have. You don’t want to make errors you will regret. You don’t want to loose your child’s love or respect. You don’t want to break their hearts. That’s why I wrote, How Do I Tell the Kids About the Divorce? A Create-a-Storybook Guide To Preparing Your Children – With Love! It’s a unique, very effective, family-focused approach that honors everyone in the equation, children and parents. It helps put both parents on the same page and
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By Rosalind Sedacca I recently came upon this quote from British blogger, David Bly: “Your children will become what you are; so be what you want them to be.” Basically that’s the best advice anyone can give any parent. It’s especially relevant when faced with challenging times, such as your divorce. It’s estimated that 40% of our children will experience the divorce of their parents. The outcome is not the same for all children or all families. That’s why it’s so important for parents facing divorce to understand that every decision you make has consequences that affect your children as well as your own well-being for years and decades to come. As a Divorce & Parenting Coach I’ve found that many parents are short-sighted when it comes to understanding the effects of divorce on their children. They don’t understand that emotional wounds in childhood lead to behaviors in the teen years
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By Rosalind Sedacca, CD C divorce consequences for families You’re getting divorced. It’s likely that one or both of you are angry, resentful, hurt, vindictive or any combination of other painful emotions. You want to lash out, to get back at your spouse or boost your own sense of esteem. Hiring the most aggressive litigious divorce lawyer you can find may seem like your smartest choice. Your ex is in for a fight! If you’re a parent who is thinking along those lines, you’re making a decision you may long regret. And so will your innocent children. If you choose a lawyer who directs you straight into a vicious court battle, the costs to you can be insurmountable – not only in financial outlay, but in emotional turmoil as well. Think long and hard before you move your divorce battle into the litigation system. It is
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By Rosalind Sedacca, CCT When facing divorce as a parent child-custody issues can become quite challenging and emotions regarding divorce-related issues can easily become charged. I recently came upon an article about proposed changes to child custody legislation pending in some states. An investigative committee was being formed to consider whether “shared parenting may be the best custodial situation for all children of divorcing parents.” While I am a strong advocate of shared parenting – it worked very successfully for me – I do not believe it’s the right or only answer for everyone. Because every situation is different when it comes to divorce, I certainly don’t believe legislation should be determining custody outcomes for any family. These are issues that caring, conscious parents should be deciding together with only one goal in mind – the very best interest of their children. Unfortunately, too many parents approach this issue as
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By Rosalind Sedacca, CCT When famous celebrities like Mel Gibson, Denise Richards, Halle Berry and others battle through a divorce, the stakes are high. Millions of dollars are often in contention, blurring issues related to child-custody and visitation. These couples hire killer attorneys and commit to paying an enormous price -- which includes not only hefty legal fees, but a tremendous time expenditure and emotional toll. Too many non-celebrity couples facing divorce blindly choose this same path – often without considering the reality of all the costs involved. They do not have the revenue to maintain ongoing litigation in the courts. Nor do they have a game plan for putting together the pieces of their shattered family after the legal battles are finally over. Sadly they come to realize that celebrities are usually poor role models. They don’t necessarily make the wisest decisions regarding their children’s best interest as they
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Video Transcript
Divorce can be brutal on kids physically, emotionally and psychologically. If you're a parent who's divorcing or divorced. It's crucial that you protect your innocent children so they don't pay the price. Hi, I'm Rosalind Sedacca. A divorce and co-parenting coach who helps parents make the best decisions about their kids before, during and, yes, long after divorce. So you don't rob your children of their childhood and instead set the stage for giving them a promising and happy future. With my experience, compassion and strategies, I help you make things right. Schedule a free Zoom session with me to discuss meaningful options for addressing your needs. There's no charge or obligation, and I'll also send you my free book on successful
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