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Child Centered Divorce
The caring support you need if you're a parent who's facing ... going through ... or moving on after divorce!
  - Divorce and Co-Parenting
  - Parenting Children of Divorce
  - Dating as a Divorced Parent
Created by Rosalind Sedacca, CDC
Latino Children
Asian Children
African Children
Caucasian Children


ROSALIND SEDACCA & DIVORCE EXPERTS AROUND THE WORLD HAVE FREE GIFTS FOR YOU DURING  INTERNATIONAL CHILD-CENTERED DIVORCE MONTH IN JANUARY   January is International Child-Centered Divorce Month – a time when Divorce filings are highest: after the holidays at the start of the New Year. In recognition of ICCD Month, Divorce & Co-Parenting Coach, author and podcast host, Rosalind Sedacca, CDC, has gathered family-focused divorce professionals throughout the world. They are all giving away free ebooks, courses, videos, coaching services and other valuable resources to help parents: Make the best decisions regarding their children before, during and long after divorce. Avoid serious mistakes that negatively impact their children. Learn how divorce affects children at different ages and stages. Understand divorce options to choose the best course of action for both parents and children. Transition after divorce in a healthy, fulfilling way. Attract a rewarding and lasting love relationship in the

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Demonizing Divorce? What’s Best For YOUR

Demonizing Divorce? What’s Best For YOUR Kids?
The Divorce/Separation Path By Rosalind Sedacca, CDC Divorce is rarely an outcome married couples expect or anticipate. But marital strife can take its toll. For many, divorce is the chosen path for coping with relationship challenges. This makes divorce a rather controversial topic. Google the subject and you’ll find conflicting perspectives on every facet of divorce, especially when it comes to parenting issues. Of course that comes as no surprise to every mother and father who battled with the guilt, anxiety, fears and insecurities that rear up when contemplating divorce and its aftermath. As you know, the Child-Centered Divorce Network welcomes this kind of dialogue. I participate in many Summits and discussion groups. I comment on many blogs and write columns for several divorce and relationship websites. I offer my own advice and opinions on topics related to divorce and its effect on children. SHOULD WE

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5 Mindset Keys To More Positive Co-Paren...

5 Mindset Keys To More Positive Co-Parenting  (& a happier you) After Divorce!
Cooperative coparenting supports children By Rosalind Sedacca, CDC  Parenting during and after divorce can be complex, frustrating and confusing. However, every day parents around the world cope with the challenges and raise happy, well-adjusted children. There are many factors that impact your effectiveness as a co-parent. Here are five that greatly influence your pre- and post-divorce co-parenting success.  Monitor Your Attitude  Attitude plays a crucial part in every facet of our lives. It’s especially important when we’re parenting after divorce. If you make a commitment to creating as positive an experience as possible, on behalf of the children you love, you are on your way to succeeding. What attitude are you conveying about your divorce? Try to catch your thoughts and the way you speak about it. Are you filled with negativity? Resentment? Fear? Are your days consumed with a “poor me” mindset? Are you attracting

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How To Talk To Your Kids After Divorce T...

How To Talk To Your Kids After Divorce To Show You Care!
By Rosalind Sedacca, CDC During and after divorce your children may be hyper-sensitive about many things. What may have been routine conversations, questions or activities can now be touchy subjects. Often, they’re compounded by anxiety, resentment or ager. This is understandable when you consider that the stability of the world they knew has been dramatically altered. Minor insecurities can easily grow into major problems. Children may regress in their behaviors and skills. Some become more clinging – others more aloof – depending on their  adaptability and perspective about the divorce.   This is a time to master the art of good parent/child communication. It will help to reinforce or rebuild trust. And it will boost a sense of security and confidence that things will be okay again – despite the changes inflicted by your divorce.   Here are 5 solid tips for more effective communication with your children. Master them

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Breaking Divorce News to Your Children? ...

Breaking Divorce News to Your Children? Use the Storybook Approach
By Rosalind Sedacca, CDC One million American children experience divorce each year. All of their parents face the same heart-wrenching dilemma … “How do I tell the kids?” If you’re facing the challenges of telling your kids about a divorce or separation, take heart. Now there’s an easier, more effective way to do it right. Acclaimed by therapists, attorneys, mediators, educators and other professionals around the world, How Do I Tell the Kids About the Divorce? A Create-a-Storybook Guide to Preparing Your Children -- With Love! is a unique guidebook that doesn’t just tell parents what to say. It says it for you! Getting both parents in alignment for the sake of the kids! Rosalind Sedacca’s Create-a-Storybook concept guides you in creating a special storybook. It uses your family photos, along with her customizable fill-in-the-blank templates written in age-appropriate language (for ages 5-15). It’s a unique and proven approach unlike

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2 Challenges Your Children Face During &

2 Challenges Your Children Face During & After Divorce
Child Caught Between Divorced Parents By Rosalind Sedacca, CDC Whether your divorce is pending or five years behind you, it continues to impact your children. And they will  attempt to process that reality according to their age and level of understanding. There are several concepts that cause the most emotional turmoil for children. Being aware of these sensitive areas can help parents address these issues more effectively. As your children age, they may revisit your divorce with more questions, confusion or insecurity. That’s why it’s essential that you have answers ready based on a keen understanding of how children internalize divorce – even long after it’s over. There are two major concepts that can create the most emotional pain for children. The first has to do with blame and the second with unrealistic expectations. Here are some suggestions for handling these common challenges. Children keep blaming

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Divorce Or Stay? Protect Your Kids Eithe...

Divorce Or Stay? Protect Your Kids Either Way!
Parents Fighting Around Kids At Home By Rosalind Sedacca, CDC  Stay together for the sake of the kids? Generations of miserable parents followed that advice hoping their sacrifices would pay off for their children in the end. Many still believe that’s the only option for parents stuck in a dead-end marriage. As a Divorce & Co-Parenting Coach and Founder of the Child-Centered Divorce Network, I have another perspective. Having been raised by parents who chose to stay together in a miserable marriage, I personally opted in on the divorce side. For me, divorce is preferable to years of living in a home where parents fight, disrespect one another and children are immersed in sadness and anger. That’s the world I grew up in and the scars are still with me today, many decades later! I stress that staying in a marriage only for the kids is

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Helpful Articles

Helpful Articles
Below is a list of helpful articles that can be used as support before, during and long after divorce. To receive weekly advice and insights about Child-Centered Divorce, be sure to download Rosalind Sedacca's free ebook on Post-Divorce Parenting on the Home page of this website: Then click on Rosalind's BLOG for even more articles of value to you.   Articles by Rosalind Sedacca, CDC 5 Tips to Help Children Cope With Divorce! 6 Mistakes Parents Must Avoid When Talking Divorce With Your Kids Coping with Co-Parenting Challenges After Divorce: Keep the Kids in Mind Emotional Effects of Anger on Children of Divorce 5 Things You Need To Know To Survive & Thrive After Divorce Helping Children Cope With Divorce: Avoiding the 10 Biggest Mistakes Divorced Parents Make! Crucial Steps To Rebuilding Your Self-Esteem Don't Make Your Pet Another Casualty Of Divorce! Why Staying In A Bad Relationship Is

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