Being a divorced Dad can be one of the most frustrating experiences any parent will ever face. For many it seems like a can’t-win situation. You find that you’re constantly trying to prove yourself – to your ex, to the children, and often to a Step-Dad who has moved into the picture.
If Mom has custody of the children, it’s more than likely that your children are seeing more of step-Dad than you. That can feel very
I know some absolutely fabulous stepdads and I know divorced dads in agony. (My brother is one.) It is not easy but keeping things centered on the kids, and learning to let go some things, really does help. My brother and his ex-wife are getting some great tips from a great book on dealing with kids and custody issues and divorce, Stop Fighting Over the Kids, b an attorney, Mike Mastracci. He’s essentially saying, “grow up and put your kids first and move on!” And he has tips for all kinds of common situations, and even includes do’s and don’t’s for lots of those situations.
Thanks for your comments, Lizzie. Also appreciate your endorsement of Stop Fighting Over the Kids. I know the author, Mike Mastracci, Esq. and he’s a true advocate of Child-Centered Divorce. Anyone will gain insights from reading his book, which I highly recommend.
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