
By Rosalind Sedacca, CDC

Since its inception in 2011, Soberlink has been a leader in monitoring blood alcohol content for Family Law, Addiction Treatment, and Workplace Compliance. The remote breathalyzer, utilizing facial recognition technology similar to that on your phone, ensures the test-taker’s identity and sends immediate results to specified contacts. This not only proves sobriety but also offers peace of mind to all concerned parties. Additionally, the device is equipped with smart technology to detect any attempts to deceive the test, ensuring the integrity of the results.

Embracing Convenience, Speed, and Reliability

Soberlink’s alcohol monitoring is not punitive but rather a tool designed to ensure the wellbeing of both parents and children. Soberlink simplifies the process of remote alcohol testing, offering convenience, speed, and reliability—especially in custody and alcohol-related cases. The system’s Advanced Reporting feature uses AI to generates easy-to-understand testing reports, as well, so Family Law professionals and concerned parties can easily monitor an individual’s progress. Soberlink is not just a technological solution; it’s a compassionate resource for families navigating divorce and sobriety challenges.

Scheduled Testing for Peace of Mind

At the heart of Soberlink’s philosophy is the commitment to scheduled testing, eliminating the unpredictability of random tests. Fostering a supportive environment is crucial, especially when children are involved. By offering scheduled tests, Soberlink allows monitored parents to focus on quality time with their children, alleviating the anxiety surrounding the next test.

Disproving Baseless Accusations

In divorce cases, false allegations of alcohol abuse can be detrimental, particularly in custody disputes. Soberlink becomes a valuable ally in disproving such claims. By consistently testing during parenting time only under their Level 1 Program or daily under their Level 2 Program, the unbroken chain of negative results becomes an indisputable testament to the monitored parent’s sobriety, providing a reliable defense against baseless accusations.

Closing Gaps in Family Court Oversight

Soberlink’s remote alcohol monitoring technology fills a void that has troubled Family Court for generations. Before this innovative solution, judges had limited means to oversee sobriety effectively and conveniently. This gap often resulted in a disservice to compliant parents and their children. Soberlink’s technology has transformed this reality, providing a valuable tool to rebuild trust, especially in the crucially important co-parenting relationship. 

By offering documented sobriety with unmatched reliability, Soberlink empowers individuals to present compelling evidence in court, ensuring a fair and just legal process that transcends subjective testimonies.

With compassion, understanding, and innovative solutions like Soberlink, families can be assured of seeking justice while safeguarding the well-being of their loved ones.

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